Ive installed kannel on my ubuntu machine LTS14 and kannel starts
properly. but fails to connect to the bearer box below is error and
conf file;will appreciate if this is sorted thanks

2016-03-11 11:22:24 [7362] [0] DEBUG: Started thread 5
2016-03-11 11:22:24 [7362] [0] DEBUG: Started thread 6
2016-03-11 11:22:24 [7362] [0] ERROR: connect failed
2016-03-11 11:22:24 [7362] [0] ERROR: System error 111: Connection refused
2016-03-11 11:22:24 [7362] [0] ERROR: error connecting to server
`localhost' at port `13001'
2016-03-11 11:22:24 [7362] [0] PANIC: Couldn't connect to the bearerbox.
2016-03-11 11:22:24 [7362] [0] PANIC: /usr/sbin/smsbox(gw_panic+0x17b)
2016-03-11 11:22:24 [7362] [0] PANIC: /usr/sbin/smsbox(main+0xcbc) [0x40e0fc]
2016-03-11 11:22:24 [7362] [0] PANIC:
2016-03-11 11:22:24 [7362] [0] PANIC: /usr/sbin/smsbox() [0x40ea35]

group = core
admin-port = 13000
smsbox-port = 13001
#admin-password = nochange
#admin-deny-ip = "*.*.*.*"
#admin-allow-ip = ""
log-file = /var/log/kannel/gateway.log
log-level = 0
access-log = /var/log/kannel/access.log
store-type = file
store-file = /var/log/kannel/kannel.store
unified-prefix = "-,+"
#unified-prefix = "+,00"
#store-type = spool
#store-location = /var/spool/kannel/store
#smsbox-max-pending = 100
#dlr-storage = mysql

group = smsbox
smsbox-id = admin
bearerbox-host = localhost
sendsms-port = 13022
bearerbox-port = 13001
#sendsms-chars = "0123456789 +- "
log-file = /var/log/kannel/smsbox.log
log-level = 0
access-log = /var/log/kannel/smsbox-access.log

# the following is just standard dlr configuration

group = mysql-connection
id = mydlr
host = localhost
username = xxxx
password = xxxxx
database = kannel
# you can increase this upon a higher load
max-connections = 100

group = dlr-db
id = mydlr
table = dlr
field-smsc = smsc
field-timestamp = ts
field-destination = destination
field-source = source
field-service = service
field-url = url
field-mask = mask
field-status = status
field-boxc-id = boxc

######################## SMSC Links ######################################

group = smsc
smsc = fake
port = 10000
connect-allow-ip =
denied-smsc-id = cvd

group = smsc
smsc-id = vbv
smsc = smpp
system-type = ""
interface-version = 34
host = xxx
port = 2779
#receive-port = 2779
smsc-username = abc
smsc-password = abc
transceiver-mode = true
bind-addr-ton = 1
bind-addr-npi = 0
source-addr-ton = 5
source-addr-npi = 0
dest-addr-ton = 1
dest-addr-npi = 1
denied-smsc-id = xyz
denied-prefix = "26097"
msg-id-type = 0x00

group = smsc
smsc-id = clx
smsc = smpp
system-type = ""
interface-version = 34
host = xxx
port = 3600
#receive-port = 3600
smsc-username = abc
smsc-password = abc
transceiver-mode = true
bind-addr-ton = 1
bind-addr-npi = 0
source-addr-ton = 5
source-addr-npi = 0
dest-addr-ton = 1
dest-addr-npi = 1
throughput = 70
#max-pending-submit = 18
#denied-smsc-id = xxx
denied-smsc-id = xxx
denied-prefix = "26097;26096"

group = sendsms-user
username = smsgw
password = pass123
max-messages = 6
concatenation = true
default-smsc = crs

#group = sendsms-user
#username = kannel
#password = crueT39
#user-deny-ip = "*.*.*.*"
#user-allow-ip = "usr-public-ip"
#max-messages = 6
#concatenation = true

# Default servide
#group = sms-service
#keyword = default
#text = "You have entered the wrong command. Please try again with
correct syntax."

group = sms-service
keyword = default
get-url = 
accept-x-kannel-headers = true
max-messages = 1000
concatenation = true
catch-all = true
text = "this is kreeper"
omit-empty = true

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