On 09/02/2015 08:00 PM, Ed Greshko wrote:
> On 09/03/15 09:06, CS DBA wrote:
>> On 08/31/2015 08:34 PM, Ed Greshko wrote:
>>> On 08/21/15 23:41, CS DBA wrote:
>>>> I'm running Fedora 21 on a Dell M3800 laptop, been working great.
>>>> Updating to the latest kernel however breaks my external display
>>>> i.e. I plug the external monitor in and nothing happens, previous to the
>>>> update when I plug in the external monitor
>>>> the system would auto configure the second screen and I could use both
>>>> monitors.
>>>> I've googled the issue but not found anything.
>>>> Thoughts?
>>> Several thoughts come to mind...
>>> 1.  What desktop are you using?  GNOME. KDE, xfce, something else
>> KDE
>>> 2.  Did you try going back to a working kernel?
>> Yes, I had an rsync of the system from before the updae, running now
>> with kernel 4.0.8-200 and it works
>>> 3.  It seems as if you're saying you've booted without the monitor attached 
>>> and plug it in later?  Yes?  If so, have you tried booting with the monitor 
>>> already attached?   Or, attaching the monitor and then logging out/in?
>> I've tried all of the above with the updated kernel, no luck. The second
>> screen remains blank and I cannot move the mouse past the edge of the
>> laptop screen irrespective of if I boot / login with the monitor
>> attached or not
> OK.... 
> I think I see what is happening as I ran into this a while back myself and 
> just tested it on an Acer Laptop running F22/KDE
> Bring up "System Settings" and go to "Hardware--->Display and 
> Monitior-->Display Configuration".   Assuming you see both monitors, make 
> sure they are aligned as they are physically.  Position them and hit apply.
> Then move your mouse to the "blank" monitor.  If it is want I think it is, 
> the arrow pointer will "disappear".  Then right click and with any luck a 
> dialog box will appear and you'll be able to select either "Desktop" or 
> "Folder View" settings an pick a background.  Initially, I found that the 
> background is "black" and it just looks like the display is not working.

No dice, the display section of the system settings only shows the
laptop screen


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