On Wed, Jul 12, 2017 at 2:19 AM, Sylvia Sánchez <lailah...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Good morning,
> Linux has no viruses. Why would anyone want an anti-virus then?  It is
> possible to install security tools of course, but those come with your
> distribution, you don't need to look up for external stuff.
Wrong. Viruses (Now accepted and not viri) for Linux exist.  Tho I can no
longer cite the information, when I was working with the systems the
monthly output of new virus for Linux vs. Windows was in the neighborhood
of 1,000 vs. 10,000 respectively.  Viruses tended to need predictable
systems and predictable user habits to be most effective for which Windows
is painfully predictable with admin access out of the box.  Linux's
strength came in the fact that we tend to move stuff around and customize
things so that nothing is where is ought to be. :D  By example, ask anyone
who has SSH pointed out to the web and still on port 22.  If they have
checked there access logs it will be full of, hopefully, failed log-in
attempts (hundreds daily) as the bots know to check port 22 and will try
common pw looking for the lazy admin.  I changed my ports as a first line
basic defense.  In short don't be what they expect.  If memory serves root
kits were the bigger threat for Linux. However, no matter the OS the best
defense against threats still resides between the chair and keyboard.

My 2 bits,
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