On 10/29/18 11:31 AM, Danishka Navin wrote:
I have to prepare hundreds of USB sticks which need to either papre as a liveUSB or make it as a installed system (using the USB as the storage when installing fedora).

If you must run the system from USB, then do it as an installed system. The live method either has no persistent storage or if you use an overlay, there is a limit to how many changes you can make before it runs out of space.

Assuming all the USB sticks are the same, my suggestion is to install Fedora to one drive and configure it how you want it. Then use dd to make an image of it and write that image to all the rest. If the drives are not all exactly the same, then partition the first one to be the smallest size of all the drives (or use the smallest drive) so that the resulting image will fit on all of them.
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