
Recently, as of last week, I installed Fedora 28 on a new XPS 13. I went with 
Openbox window manager and no desktop environment because that is what I feel 
gives me the most bang for my buck. If I am behind the times, feel free to 
correct me but that is not the issue here.

Anyway, everything works great, from what I can tell except that my network 
appears to disconnect after a while (such as 30 minutes, say). NetworkManager 
(nm-applet) indicates that the connection is valid as is the VPN but nothing 
goes or comes. The solution is to click on the connection and essentially get a 
new connection.

I had read recently about the new Fedora feature of randomizing the MAC address 
and so I tried disabling that and using the following:

 nmcli c modify e8c79829-1848-4563-8e44-466e14a3223d 
802-11-wireless.cloned-mac-address permanent

nmcli c down e8c79829-1848-4563-8e44-466e14a3223d

nmcli c up e8c79829-1848-4563-8e44-466e14a3223d

Where the mac addresses are taken from the article.

I had hoped that my issue would be go away but no dice.

Any suggestions on what I could be trying? Feel free to ask questions in case 
additional information is needed.

Many thanks and best wishes,

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