regardless, my recommendation is DONT!!! you will waste your time and get
no ROI.

why you may ask:  glad you did; ever been to a *release party* to a *nix
release? i have.

Microport, SCO, Brocade, & Linux require man Months of QA testing on all
kinds of good & bad hw.
may i suggest that your posing these questions to this forum might indicate
you could usefully use
google to  inspect & learn the fedora  install process.

please permit me to continue, consider the current distro you wish to make
your own and just 'a few new apps'.
are those apps also install tested for the needed hw variety & robustness?

more, note that fedora itself allows my preferred  approach in it's
Dont put all your eggs in 1 basket, specially if you Wove it!!
i intend to convey humor, no offense meant. i'll prove it by providing
further insights.

may i ask your goal for this process change?

instead, start by taking fedora's bulletproof their distro media,  only
After that is successfully working with  added apps, umount and test.

yes, i know there are ways to jam in the new apps in the install dialog,
not safe!! ALL IMHO!!

consider this flow, ...

the apps you want to add, pair that with your fedora iso (i love the
workstation iso!!)my suggestion is make a new iso

1. gather the apps you want to add (see also )
2. mount the init.ram boot media
3. add desired apps, umount.
4. boot test, repeat,...

hth, and again, no offense, just tart humor... good luck, jackc...

On Wed, Apr 3, 2019 at 4:33 PM Samuel Sieb <> wrote:

> On 4/3/19 3:42 PM, Suvayu Ali wrote:
> > I want to build my own installation media (on USB).  I would like to
> include additional packages for an offline installation.  However all I
> could find is this page:
> which is horribly out of date.  Does anyone know a more current set of
> steps?
> Try
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