On Sun, Jan 30, 2022 at 8:12 PM WMU Bavaria <j...@zeff.us> wrote:
> > On 01/30/2022 10:00 PM Aaron <ad...@siegel-tech.net> wrote:
> > If your computer was shipped with Windows 8 (release date 2012) or newer it
> > most likely has an UEFI capable bios.
> My laptop shipped with Windows Vista installed, long before UEFI was invented.

Intel EFI ~1998
Tiano - 2004
UEFI 2.0 - 2005
Windows Vista - 2007
Windows 7 - 2009

In fact Vista was the first version of Windows to have EFI support,
but the vast majority of (U)EFI systems of this era shipped with a
Compatibility Support Module (CSM) enabled by default to present a
faux-BIOS to the operating system. A 10 year old laptop is ~2011 which
would put it in the Windows 7 era, and had substantially improved UEFI

Anyway, I'm willing to bet this laptop has an MBR with a 1st partition
starting at an LBA less than 2048, therefore there isn't enough room
for modern GRUB to embed in the small MBR gap of this era. You can
remedy this by offering up the 1st partition to Anaconda for deletion.
When a new 1st partition is created as part of the installation,
probably for /boot, it will start at LBA 2048 which will provide a
large enough MBR gap for GRUB to be installed.

fdisk -l /dev/sdX

Chris Murphy
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