
Mike Wright wrote:
> I have a regex I'm trying to build.  A match is determined by the contents
> of the first two columns.
> if column 1 is a "}"                           the line is a match
> if column 1 is a " " and column 2 is not a " " the line is a match
> Now this seems simple but all I've managed to do is create an error message
> generator ;/
> Any and all help is appreciated.

Assuming I've understood, I think either of the two methods
below should work.  There's certainly other ways to do it,
too.  I tend to use extended regular expressions more (the
`grep -E` example).

    $ cat <<'EOF' >patterns
    not a match
    } is a match
      not a match
     is a match

    $ grep -e '^}' -e '^ [^ ]' patterns 
    } is a match
     is a match

    $ grep -E '^(}| [^ ])' patterns 
    } is a match
     is a match


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