FWIW there are some fixes and enhancements coming in btrfs-progs 6.1, now in 
koji for Rawhide, including making it easier to get info about hibernation file 
offset in a swapfile.

I haven't messed with the new subcommand, but I personally prefer putting 
swapfiles in their own subvolume so that I can still snapshot the root 
subvolume. Snapshotting a subvolume containing a swapfile will render the 
swapfile invalid for use (or maybe the snapshot fails, not sure, haven't tried 

The way I do this is mount the top-level of the file system (just do a normal 
mount without any options), and inside you'll see what appears to be two 
directories: root and home. Those are the subvolumes the installer creates by 
default. Create a new subvolume in here and add it to fstab such that:

UUID=$fsuuid /var/swap               btrfs   noatime,subvol=swap 0 0

I use chattr +C on this swap subvolume, that way any new files created inside 
will inherit. This is something the new subcommand will do for you.

An additional entry in fstab:
/var/swap/swapfile1 none swap defaults 0 0

You can certainly make a nested /var/swap thereby avoiding the need to create 
the earlier fstab entry. But note that snapshots still don't have this nested 
subvolume in them, so if you do a rollback it also won't have the nested swap 
subvolume or file - thus you boot probably hangs because the fstab is looking 
for this swapfile to activate and never finds it. So I just do it the way I 
describe, that way I can more or less forget about it. But an alternative to 
that, if you really prefer nested, is s/defaults/nofail/ for the swapfile entry 
and now a missing swap won't cause boot to fail *but* you also may one day 
forget all this and come to realize that there's no swap activated because you 
once did a rollback way back when... :D

Chris Murphy
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