On 3/21/24 20:49, Robert McBroom via users wrote:

On 3/21/24 4:51 PM, Samuel Sieb wrote:
On 3/21/24 12:20, Robert McBroom via users wrote:
Status then shows

systemctl status libvirtd
●libvirtd.service - libvirt legacy monolithic daemon
     Loaded: loaded (/usr/lib/systemd/system/libvirtd.service; enabled; preset: disabled)


systemctl enable libvirtd

would change the preset notation but it didn't

It doesn't.  That's the system preset.  "enable" only changes the first enabled/disable option, but that overrides the preset, so it should be starting at boot if you've rebooted since changing that setting.

You can use "journalctl -b -u libvirtd" to find out what has happened.

Saw no indication that any setting had changed.

The status shows that it's enabled.

Nothing from the journal tells anything that I understand

# journalctl -b -u libvirtd
Mar 21 09:31:17 HPZ440.attlocal.net systemd[1]: Starting libvirtd.service - libvirt legacy monolithic daemon... Mar 21 09:31:18 HPZ440.attlocal.net systemd[1]: Started libvirtd.service - libvirt legacy monolithic daemon. Mar 21 09:33:18 HPZ440.attlocal.net systemd[1]: libvirtd.service: Deactivated successfully.

I'm not sure what's going on here. systemd kind of starts it, but then apparently either systemd shuts it down or the service decides it has nothing to do and quits.

Try running just "journalctl -b" and see if there are any other relevant messages around that time.

Mar 21 09:56:36 HPZ440.attlocal.net systemd[1]: Starting libvirtd.service - libvirt legacy monolithic daemon... Mar 21 09:56:36 HPZ440.attlocal.net systemd[1]: Started libvirtd.service - libvirt legacy monolithic daemon. Mar 21 09:56:37 HPZ440.attlocal.net libvirtd[10039]: libvirt version: 10.1.0, package: 1.fc40 (Fedora Project, 2024-03-01-18:35:13, )

This must be from you starting it.
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