On 4/5/24 12:11, home user wrote:
On 4/5/24 11:34 AM, Samuel Sieb wrote:
On 4/5/24 09:09, home user wrote:
tmpfs            8158696        0   8158696   0% /tmp
/dev/sda3         485348   339555    116097  75% /boot

This looks like just over 100MB which could possibly cause a problem.

It was only in late February, a mere 1 1/2 months ago, that I cut back by one old kernel.  I now have the current kernel + one old kernel + the rescue kernel.  The kernel really grew that much in so short a time?! ....or was the kernel a seed that is now sprouting?!

I remember that.  You probably have just enough space to do the upgrade.

I don't recall using the rescue kernel in a while, but I have used older kernels occasionally.  How do I get rid of the rescue kernel?  ....or is there a better solution?

The rescue kernel is primarily for if you change the hardware to something that is different enough from the previous hardware that the drivers are not available. It doesn't seem likely that you are going to do something like that, so you could remove it.

Run the following command:
echo 'dracut_rescue_image="no"' > /etc/dracut.conf.d/02-rescue.conf

Then you can delete the rescue files from /boot and the rescue file from the loader entries below there.
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