On Apr 16, 2024, at 15:22, Don Marti <dma...@zgp.org> wrote:
> I  have some old shell functions that use xte to fake some keyboard input. 
> For example, this is a function to run its argument(s) in a new 
> gnome-terminal tab.
> run_in_tab ()
> {
>    xte 'keydown Control_L' 'keydown Shift_L' 'key t' 'keyup Control_L' 'keyup 
> Shift_L' 'sleep 1' "str exec $*" 'key Return'
> }
> Is there a tool packaged in new Fedora versions that's like xte, but for 
> Wayland?

One of the security measures a that Wayland gives you is the limitations on the 
ability of other apps sending (or reading) key press events in other apps 
(including the desktop). This means that tools like xte and xdotool won’t work 
except in XWayland apps. 

There are tools like ydotool (https://github.com/ReimuNotMoe/ydotool) but they 
need direct access to /dev/input, which generally need root access (and if 
every app can read it, it’s just as bad as X). 

I suspect this is something a GNOME extension would replace, and not by sending 
key presses but replicating the results. 

Jonathan Billings
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