On Fri, Mar 25, 2011 at 4:20 PM, Genes MailLists <li...@sapience.com> wrote:

>  Unless there's a rational business plan it makes no sense to sponsor
> this ... think like a businessperson ..

Is mindshare and brand promotion not a reason enough? If you have
hundreds of thousands of people talking about your brand world-wide,
isnt´t there any economic value or benefit from this?.

H*ck I´ve read about firms paying bloggers and/or twitter users to
write good things about a certain brand...

Also, what part of "initially" didn´t you understand?. IF the project
takes off, tablet manufacturers might choose to install it. Just like
Ubuntu didn´t make any money at first, and then one day Dell choose to
preinstall it.

To me, the beneits are evident. Just like not everything Microsoft
does generates a profit inmediately, but has the long-term goal of
having people talk about the brand and the windows software ecosystem.

Specially if the required investment is relatively minuscule, compared
to the firm´s overall R+D budget. I´m not talking about porting Fedora
to ARM. That´s been already done, so the work would be mostly
packaging and buying one of each of these popular tablets and find
what devices-features might need tweaking or drivers (say, for

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