On 08/31/2011 02:36 AM, Julius Smith wrote:
> I disliked the decision to simplify things in GNOME 3, but on the
> whole I find it more productive than GNOME 2.  Things got better once
I have FC15 on three machines with different hardware - different CPUs, 
different graphics hardware. As installed, all three were kinda OK. 
After recent updates all three now take about 5 seconds to change 
windows. A warning box popping up is a minimum 10s activity - 5 seconds 
to appear, and 5 to dismiss it. I find it hardware to believe I have 
three special case machines which all hit the same obscure bug. How can 
you call this a productive environment?
> I found alacarte, gnome-shell-extensions-alternative-status-menu,
> etc., to recover lost functionality.  In my opinion, Fedora should be
> aimed at "power users" not "newbies".  That said, I like throwing
Aiming a desktop at one group of users, rather than the general case, is 
a weird choice. Its like stating clearly that you wish to remain in 
obscurity, and never build the critical mass momentum to really get 
anywhere. A successful platform needs to install in a usable state for 
everyone, and be adaptable from there to particular needs.
> windows to the left and right to fill half the screen, cycling through
While there is some value in the windows to the left and right 
functionality, as implemented right now you just get windows jumping 
around in size and place pretty wildly whenever you try to simply move 
something aside to check what's underneath. Its bizarre.
> windows of a given app (Alt-`) as easily as cycling through apps
> (Alt-Tab), and generally saving screen space.  Once I got my "Custom
> Shortcuts" in place, I have few complaints (other than the
> freezing-emacs bug).  In general, using the mouse is slow, so we need
> to be able to define a shortcut for everything. - jos
They broke the mouse, so the answer is more shortcuts? What about fixing 
what was broken as a better alternative?


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