On 09/25/2011 05:45 AM, Terry Barnaby wrote:
> Anyone know why the NFS write performance with Fedora14 may be slow (without
> async) ?
> I have Gigabit networking which is all working fine and the systems in 
> question
> have been running Fedora in various forms for many years.

I found NFSv4 to be completely unusable on my F14 systems. I could never 
figure out where the problem was. It was unusable on my F14 clients when 
I had a F13 server, and once I upgraded the server to F14, my F13 
clients became unusable...

In desperation, I had to move to glusterfs, which fixed all my problems:


I've been very happy with it since the forced migration! It has a lot 
fewer oddities than NFS, and it handles sqlite/firefox file-locking just 
fine, unlike some (all?) NFS variants.

- Mike
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