Hi everyone,
I am trying to install and run PWgui using cygwin. I got messages as

  This is PWgui version: 6.2

 PWgui: using the system default "tclsh" interpreter

 PWGUI       : /home/Hieunt/qe6.2/pwgui-6.2
 GUIB engine : /home/Hieunt/qe6.2/pwgui-6.2/lib/Guib-0.6

couldn't load file "/usr/bin/tk86.dll": No such file or directory
    while executing
"load /usr/bin/tk86.dll Tk"
    ("package ifneeded Tk 8.6.8" script)
    invoked from within
"package require Tk       "
    (file "/home/Hieunt/qe6.2/pwgui-6.2/lib/Guib-0.6/init.tcl" line 9)
    invoked from within
"source /home/Hieunt/qe6.2/pwgui-6.2/lib/Guib-0.6/init.tcl"
    ("package ifneeded Guib 0.6" script)
    invoked from within
"package require Guib 0.5"
    (file "/home/Hieunt/qe6.2/pwgui-6.2/init.tcl" line 5)
    invoked from within
"source [file join $env(PWGUI) init.tcl]"
    (file "/home/Hieunt/qe6.2/pwgui-6.2/pwgui.tcl" line 62)


I see that someone also has this problem (http://qe-forge.org/
pipermail/pw_forum/2017-April/112474.html) but installing xorg-server and
xinit packages didn't solve the problem.
I found the file tk86.dll is in
Packages tcl-tk, tcl-itk, tcl-iwidgets, tcl-itcl were added.
Could you help me about this problem? Thank you very much.
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