On 6/25/2023 2:10 PM, Tamás Cservenák wrote:
Multiple times come up on ML questions from users about "multi platform"
deploys/releases, where, AFAIK, some (usually) OS platform
dependant (usually native binary), comes to play.
- how are people doing it today?

For my projects I've spent years refining the GlobalMentor "Root POM" at https://github.com/globalmentor/globalmentor-root/blob/main/pom.xml . If your POM inherits from this POM, then you can define _a single property_ `exe.main.class` in your POM, and the build will automatically generate the following (example assumes your project is named `my-cli`):

* A `my-cli-1.2.3-exe.jar` (which you can execute using `java -jar …`).
* A Linux self-executing script named `my-cli` (the executable JAR with a Bash script starter embedded).
* A Windows executable `my-cli.exe`.

Furthermore if you specify `-P publish` for the profile when building, it will also generate a `my-cli-1.2.3-bin.zip` file containing the executables mentioned above, with executable bits set and everything, for distribution.

Even this is not a complete solution; it still requires one to 1) install Java, and 2) know what to do with an executable. (See the [Install Datimprint CLI instructions](https://www.jordial.com/software/datimprint/install), for example.)

Still you can not imagine the pain I had to go through just to get this much automation.

1. Maven doesn't really support expressions, so I had to create hacks on top of kludges to get defining `exe.main.class` to work as a "toggle" to turn other plugins on and off. I plan on writing a blog entry explaining this one day, but for now just look for the multiple sequential regexes for e.g. `<regex>_\$\{exe.main.class\}</regex>`. Yes, it is mind-bending.

2. In addition Maven's issue with undefined order of plugin execution when defined in parent POMs was another huge roadblock (e.g. [MNG-5799](https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/MNG-5799) to pick one random ticket out of many, requiring me to spread plugin executions across multiple phases just to get some sort of deterministic order (e.g. so I don't try to zip up the executables before they are created, and I don't try to create the executables before the executable JAR is created, etc.).

3. And speaking of assembly, I had to play even more tricks to get an assembly defined in a parent POM, because the Maven Assembly Plugin doesn't allow in-POM definitions of the assembly descriptor. (I can't inherit a separate assembly descriptor defined in a parent POM, and I need to have the assembly descriptor do property interpolation, etc.)  I actually use a hack in which the Antrun  Plugin _generates_ the assembly descriptor at just the right time (again, walking a tightrope just to get this to all fall in place in the right sequence in the descendant POM).

The next step which I haven't yet taken is to have an installer for this EXE/script/JAR, working across platforms. Supposedly JPackage addresses this, but I soon realized that it's tied to the platform you're building your project on, which is a non-starter—I don't want to set up build separate pipelines for each separate targeted platform. I have thought about seeing if I can integrate Docker into my Maven build to get around this, but I haven't had time to research that further.
- what can Maven do to help more (if not fully support) this problem?

As explained with my harrowing hacks above, before we even get to cross-platform targeted builds, there are a few fundamental Maven blind spots that need to be addressed: 1) expression support, 2) deterministic plugin execution ordering even when one plugin has multiple executions defined in the same phase across parent and child POMs, and 3) in-POM configuration of all plugins.  (Kudos to the Versions Maven Plugin which finally implemented this in [#684](https://github.com/mojohaus/versions/issues/684).) I really should not have had to take years and this many hacks and workaround just to generate a few JARs and zip them up, based upon a property being defined.

Otherwise it seems to me that more and more things are using Docker, and Docker may be the only way to generate multi-platform targeted binaries under some situations, so I guess increasing Docker interoperability may be a general theme. (Maven may be there already—I confess I haven't had a chance to do much with Docker from Maven other than generating images using a plugin, and that's working with no problems so far, as long as Docker is installed and running.)


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