a tip  about jalopy: it is not compatible with none IDEs available on the
market, i.e., the maven will beautify your code and your IDE will complain
about that :))

I always prefer just to generate a CheckStyle report just as an indicator
about how good (or poor) is the code developers are producing...

good luck with the plugin...

On 6/18/06, Dennis Lundberg <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

I think you are looking for this:

Dennis Lundberg

Christian Kölle wrote:
> Hello,
> Caution: Newbie!
> I am new to m2 but used to use m1. I have a flat-folder-hierachy
> m2-multi-module project.
> Problem:
> I want to run a beautifier plugin over my code, before everything is
> I don't care what beautifier, it is just to unify the layout. After 1,5
> years, I decided to have a try on Jalopy, as it seems to support java
> now [1].
> I am totally lost: I wanna use a build-plugin. As far as I found out
> apache-plugins are named "maven-xxxx-plugin" and mojo-plugins are named
> "xxx-maven-plugin". Unfortunaltelly there is no apache plugin, see [2],
> at least I cannot find it. I searched for mojo-plugins but cannot find
> either anywhere. In fact I am very insecure what "Mojo" is. Mojos
> mailinglist seems to be dead and even the link I found to the sources
> seems to bee dead.
> What would you suggest? Wait for a release of a maven-plugin, wait for
> release of a mojo-plugin or trying to get this [4] running somehow? --
> for M2 -- Any other M2-out-of-the-box-beatifiers  known?
> Regards and thanks in advance.
> Christian
> [1] http://jalopy.sourceforge.net/jalopy/changes-report.html
> [2] http://maven.sateh.com/repository/maven-plugins/
> [3] https://svn.mojo.codehaus.org/mojo/trunk/mojo/jalopy-maven-plugin/
> [4] http://maven.sateh.com/repository/jalopy/jalopy/
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