
but now i need to know, how exactly i do force attributes to be set

You could simply output some kind of error message if a required value is not present.

well, i could, of course, but i thougt there was some kind of mechanism i only need to hook into ...

and, more important, how i do access components in the body of my component.

Are you probably asking for <ui:insert/> ?

i don't know. do i?
my particular problem at hand is that as result of some method of my bean i get an object.
this object might be of mime type image/jpeg or text/xml.
so i would like to make a component that renders the object depending on the mime type -- programatically. while the xml should be rendered in some kind of datatable the image should be rendered in some kind of simple image manipulation gui (zoom, gamma) and thus i need to render the action elements (actionButtons mostly) with predefined actions.

while i am still want to know how to write my own component at all, for this particular task i am open for other suggestions as well :-)


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