
I believe I read somewhere in the last year. I found this:

And, I used it to look into a problem I had with Apache NiFi a few years ago. For what it's worth, my experience is recorded here:

Hope some of this helps.


On 8/2/21 12:20 PM, scott wrote:
I'm using openjdk- as I was on the previous version of NiFi. I'll look around for a free Java profiler to use to dig deeper.

On Sat, Jul 31, 2021 at 7:56 PM Joe Witt < <>> wrote:


    Nope this sounds pretty dang unique

    What JVM?   May need to attach a profiler.

    I have seen buried exceptions happening at massive rates causing
    horrid performance among a few other scenarios but nothing
    specific to 1.14


    On Sat, Jul 31, 2021 at 4:01 PM scott <
    <>> wrote:

        Hi All,
        I upgraded to 1.14 last week and within a few days I started
        to see some pretty odd behavior, I'm hoping someone has either
        seen it before or could point me to a deeper level of

        Here are the symptoms I observed.
        * Performance issues:
            Processor performance very poor. Even simple processors
        like router and updateattribute went from being able to
        process 100,000recs/min to 100recs/min or stop all together,
        but not consistently.
            Processors needing to be force killed, even simple ones
        like updateattribute.

        * Weirdness. One of my routers lost its mind and
        didn't recognize the routes configured anymore. It changed all
        the arrows to dotted lines except for the default. I ended up
        copying it and replacing it with the copy, no changes
        mind you, but it worked fine.

        * Errors: I have not found any obvious errors in the nifi logs
        that could explain this, but one error keeps repeating in the
        logs: SQLServerDriver is not found . I have dozens of
        processors that use SQL Server, all seem to be working fine.
        This is not tied to a particular processor's configuration. I
        don't think this is related.

        * Server resources fine. I use htop and sar to troubleshoot
        hardware issues usually, all looks normal. I added 1/3 more
        memory to the JVM, now at 24GB, just for good measure, but
        that had no effect.

        Is it possible there are some hidden performance issues going
        on within the JVM I need a special tool to see?

        Any help would be greatly appreciated.


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