In case you or someone else wishes only to run, develop, start, stop, start over, etc., and doesn't care to authenticate a (non-production) installation, I have followed this since NiFi 1.14 and last used it for 1.19:

If this doesn't work it's usually because the properties file has become too modified. Start over with a fresh download.


On 12/28/22 12:03, Chris Sampson wrote:
I think you will need to remove/comment out the references to single-user-provider in authorisers.xml and login-providers.xml as well as removing it from (see the comments in these files as they're provided in the nifi distributions).

If you are using 2-way TLS authentication then I don't think you need to configure anything else, but remember that all of your nifi instances in your cluster (if applicable) will need to trust one another's certificates along with all user certificates - the easiest way of doing this is typically to trust a common CA that issues all the nifi instance and user certs. This could be nifi-toolkit, but beware that the CA used by toolkit is auto-generated on startup, so you need to retain and configure the same CA for toolkit of you plan to use it to issue new certs in future.

On Wed, 28 Dec 2022, 17:32 James McMahon, <> wrote:

    I continue to experience errors when I try to start my nifi 1.16.3
    instance. I have followed this guide in an effort to use the
    toolkit to generate self-0signed certs for user admin, signed by a
    nifi truststore:

    Apache NiFi Walkthroughs

    I seem to be having issues with this in my

    When I set it to nothing, it tells me this is required. When I set
    it to single-user-authorizer, this error results in the log:
     Error creating bean with name 'authorizer': FactoryBean threw
    exception on object creation; nested exception is
    java.lang.Exception: The specified authorizer
    'single-user-authorizer' could not be found.

    I suspect my authorizers.xml and/or my
    login-identity-providers.xml files are misconfigured. How should
    those two config files be structured if I wish to run a secure
    nifi instance where mith my self-signed certs, generated using the
    nifi toolkit?

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