
I opened the link in the Issue 110135:

Created an attachment (id=68348)  

with the OOO 3.20  OOO320m12 (Build :9482) in SeaMonkey without a problem, the 
table is completely correct.
I use windows XP SP3 with all updates.

When I save this document as a HTML-Writer-Document I can reopen the document 
without a problem - I know this problem in the last years when I import 
        Open the document again as HTML-Document - mark all in the HTML an 
insert it completely in a new Writer document - you will see - it works well.
        you could it now save as a MS-Word-Document  and  also reopen in WRITER 
- without any problem!

This issue occurs always - in all OOO versions - always was this the way to 
repair the document for myself.
Maybe this workaround will help you to find the mistake.

Franz Wein

NoOp schrieb:
On 03/14/2010 08:05 PM, Pedro Izecksohn wrote:
   I rewrote this table for the public document. But to discard the
buggy table would be to miss a chance to debug OOo.

   The FHS document is a permanent source of bugs, as the doctor uses 4
different computers and a cell phone to write it, plus this notebook
where I convert it to the different formats and FTP.
Pedro, new status; the bug has been moved to a 3.3 fix, but for a good


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