I have an 8 node cluster running oVirt 4.4.2, i have noticed lately that some 
VMs started to have their memory decrease.
For example a VM that was configured to have 32GB memory without any notice 
were had their memory decrease to about 4GB, if i restart the VM the VM comes 
up with the correct memory but shortly after it decreases again.

The VM configuration has:
Memory Size: 32768 MB
Maximum Memory: 131072 MB
Physical Memory Guaranteed: 1024 MB

It's worth mentioning that those are Linux VMs which are provisioned through 
Foreman, Windows VMs are not provisioned from Foreman and their "Memory Size" 
is identical to "Physical Memory Guaranteed", so far i have not observed a 
Windows VM with this behaviour, though there might be some that i haven't 
Is there a possibility the cause for this issue is by having "Physical Memory 
Guaranteed" set to this low?

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