In the two years that I have been using oVirt, I've been yearning for some nice 
architecture primer myself, but I have not been able to find a nice "textbook 
style" architecture document.

And it does not help that some of the more in-depth information on the oVirt 
site, doesn't seem navigatable from the main "Documentation" link.

This is my very personal opinion, others might have different impressions.

oVirt isn't really a product in the sense that all parts were designed to go 
together. Instead it's a package that has been assembled from quite a few 
rather distinct pieces of technology that Redhat has aquired over the last 
decades. What some might view as proof of extreme flexibility, others will see 
as lack of integration. The oVirt team is careful not to re-implement anything 
on their side, that some other component already delivers. Unfortunately, that 
means you better understand those components underneath, their range of 
functionality and the tooling around them, because oVirt guys won't explain 
what other teams do (e.g. KVM, Gluster, VDO, LVM, Ansible).

KVM originates from Moshe Bar's Qumranet, is the key ingredient of oVirt/RHV 
but also leads a somewhat independent life on its own.

Gluster was a separate scale-out storage company that Redhat aquired, which has 
been passing through its very own trials and tribulations and suffers from lack 
of large scale adoption, especially since scale-out is either cloud or HPC 
where Gluster seems to hold little appeal. I think it's stagnating and its 
level of integration with oVirt is really minimal, even with the tons of work 
developers have done. I consider oVirt's HCI a brilliant value proposition in 
theory and a half baked implementation that one certainly should not use "for 
the entire enterprise".

VDSM is core to oVirt and the philsophical principle AFIK has remained 
unchanged over the last ten years. Its approach also isn't exactly novel (but 
solid!), I see parallels not only with vSphere but right back to things like 
the Tivoli workload scheduler, a mainframe batch scheduler going back decades.

The working principle is to make a deployment plan (~batch schedule), engrave 
that plan into persistent shared storage, so that every worker (host) can 
follow this optimal and conflict free plan, while the manager is free to rest 
or die or be rebooted. It relieves the manager of having to be clustered for 
availability itsself.

VDSM is the agent on every host (or node) responsible for reading and running 
that plan and the engine is the manager, which continously creates the new 

Originally the manager ran on a separte physical machine, but then somebody 
managed to get that "teleported" into a VM running on the oVirt farm itsself. 
It's a very nice feat and mostly just eliminates the need for a separate host 
to manage the engine. It also allows for an automatic restart of the management 
engine on another host, should the host it ran on fail. But it still needs some 
special treatment compared to any other VM. Again this is something VMware and 
Oracle also managed to do with their VM orchestration tools, perhaps Nutanix 
was the first out of the door with that feature.

Perhaps looking at what the other vendors do, sometimes helps to understand how 
oVirt works, because they do copy ideas from each other (and may be shy about 
documenting that).

There are architecture presentations out there, which unfortunately mostly 
describe the implementation changes made over the years, not the fundamental 
design philosophy nor the current implementation state. That's mostly because 
the implementation has changed fundamentally and keeps changing rapidly so the 
effort to maintain up-to-date docs seems too great. E.g. one of the more recent 
key efforts has been to make Ansible do as much work as possible, where the 
original implementation seems to have used scripts.

But that should not keep someone from doing a textbook on the architecture 
design principles behind oVirt, and perhaps a condensed overview about the 
implementation changes over the years and their motivations.

One could argue that while Redhat is an open source company, it's not an open 
knowledge company. It doesn't necessarily publish all available internal 
documentation and training material they create for their support engineers. 
They do want so sell commercial support.

On the other hand there is conference material, there are lots of RHV related 
Youtube videos scattered around, so you can find a lot of information, just not 
in that tight nice little book you and I seem to wish for.

Unfortunately, I also have not encountered any useful oVirt/RHV architecture 
books. The ones I found were very much "do this, do that" and didn't help me as 
a technical architect.

If I thought that oVirt had a bright and bullish future, I'd be tempted to 
write such a book myself.

With vSphere struggling aginst clouds, I don't see RHV/oVirt doing the right 
things to do better in a similar niche, especially when it also tries to sell 

And that goes right back to decisions like rebasing CentOS upstream from RHEL.
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