> On Tue, Feb 22, 2022 at 1:25 PM Thomas Hoberg <thomas(a)hoberg.net&gt; wrote:
> k8s does not dictate anything regarding the workload. There is just a
> scheduler which can or can not schedule your workload to nodes.
One of these days I'll have to dig deep and see what it does.

"Scheduling" can encompass quite a few activities and I don't know which of 
them K8 covers.

Batch scheduling (also Singularity/HPC) type scheduling involves also the 
creation (and thus consumption) of RAM/storage/GPUs, so real 
instances/reservations are created, which in the case of pass-through would 
include some hard dependencies.

Normal OS scheduling is mostly CPU, while processes and stroage are alrady 
there and occupy resources and could find an equivalent in traffic steering, 
where the number of nodes that receive traffic is expanded or reduced. K8 to my 
understanding would do the traffic steering as a minimum and then have actions 
for instance creation and deletions.

But given a host with hybrid loads, some with tied resources, others generic 
without: to manage the decisions/allocations properly you need to come up with 
a plan that includes
1. Given a capacity bottleneck on a host, do I ask the lower-layer (DC-OS) to 
create additional containers elsewhere and shut down the local ones or do I 
migrate the running one on a new host?
2. Given a capacity underutilization on a host, how to go best about shutting 
down hosts, that aren't going to be needed for the next hours in a way where 
the migration cost do not exceed the power savings?

To my naive current understanding virt-stacks won't create and shut-down VMs, 
their typical (or only?) load management instrument is VM migration.

Kubernetes (and Docker swarm etc.) won't migrate node instances (nor VMs), but 
create and destory them to manage load.

At large scales (scale out) this swarm approach is obviously better, migration 
creates too much of an overhead.

In the home domain of the virt-stacks (scale in), live migration is perhaps 
necessary, because the application stacks aren't ready to deal with instance 
destruction without service disruption or just because it is rare enough to be 
cheaper than instance re-creation.

In the past it was more clear cut, because there was no live migration support 
for containers. But with CRIU (and its predecessors in OpenVZ), that could be 
done just as seamless as with VMs. And instance creation/deletions were more 
like fail-over scenarios, where (rare) service disruptions were accepted.

Today the two approaches can more easily be mingled but they don't easily mix 
yet, and the negotiating element between them is missing.
> I can understand that a new system like k8s may look intimidating.

Just understanding the two approaches and how they mix is already filling the 
brain capacity I can give them.

Operating that mix is currently quite beyond the fact that it's only a small 
part of my job.
> Best regards,
> Roman
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