Sorry, seems I read part 1, 2 and 4 but not part 3. I suspect a bug in that has been there since the end of 2020 (!), but only in 3.0.* and the trunk, "infile" is never assigned.


On 05.01.2024 08:00, Lukas Jans wrote:

*Tilman Hausherr*- Donnerstag, 4. Januar 2024 12:07:13 MEZ

Please use "overlay" instead of "OverlayPDF". This is a documentation bug.

(See also the "did you mean" line in the error message)



Thanks for the reply, but that is exactly what I did and described in the second half of my first post. I repeat it here for completion’s sake:

I can of course adapt the command to overlay instead of overlayPDF. Leaving the other arguments unchanged I get the following result:

Ein Bild, das Text, Screenshot, Schrift enthält. Automatisch generierte Beschreibung

In order to check whether there is a mistake concerning the formatting of the arguments or so, I try the command merge with the same arguments like this:

This works as intended.

So again, what is the problem with the execution of the overlay command?

Kind regards


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