Yes identity does work for that file. However using that logic fails to provide the correct results for other files with an unusuable /ToUnicode stream.

Yes there can be larger blocks.

My suspicion is that the tools who use "identity" for your file will fail for some of the files. Unless we discover yet another tweak of that workaround algorithm that works with all.


On 15.03.2024 14:28, Luiz Marcelo Modesto wrote:
Thank you Tilman!

I'll try to read ISO 32000-2:2020 again to look for some kind of precedence
rules regarding the way of decoding string codes to Unicode chars.

My impression is that there are some choices but I don't remember if there
is something assertive or not. Maybe it could be just an implementation

I'll try to debug the extraction text tool to verify why using the
predefined Identity CMap works.

If I've looked at the correct CMap file
(fontbox/target/classes/org/apache/fontbox/cmap/Identity-H) it also has a
lot of blocks of beginbfchar/endbfchar. It doesn't have any
beginbfchar/endbfchar block.

All the blocks have their length limited to 256 codes, but it seems PDFBox
can support larger blocks. But, maybe the set "<0100> <FFFF> 256" could be
a problem...

PS.: The use of "true" was just a fast and dirty way to do a fast test, as
the beginbfchar/endbfchar block suggested to me an identity mapping.

Em sex., 15 de mar. de 2024 às 01:35, Tilman Hausherr <>

You are correct that it's the "fb" parts that are missing. (And some of
the other tools you tried also mention this)

Just adding true results in text extraction of several files no longer
being correct, 433525-p1.pdf O226ORR4SMIKRGPWC6PXUYAYMSBB6FVP-p3.pdf
PDFBOX-5540.pdf R4EXG25W532JHDQLJAM4HF6O532TLR7D-p1.pdf

Adding  "&& !cmap.hasCIDMappings()" after "hasUnicodeMappings()" brings
no regressions but your text is not extracted properly.

Maybe it is possible to include yet another rule for your file, but
there's likely more to do and there is the risk that other files no
longer extract properly.


On 15.03.2024 00:08, Luiz Marcelo Modesto wrote:
It seems that PDFBOX-5540 resolves a special case based on some
properties and chooses a predefined CMap (Identity CMap).

Reading the code, I think the warning "Invalid ToUnicode CMap
in font AvenirNextLTPro-Cn" comes from the fact that the CMap stream
doesn't contain 1 or more blocks of beginbfchar/endbfchar.

The two CMap's HashMaps (charToUnicodeOneByte and charToUnicodeTwoBytes)
are really empty.

But the font CMap stream contains this block:

2 begincidrange
<0001> <00FF> 1
<0100> <FFFF> 256

I'm sorry if I misunderstood, but this is a valid CMap too (it seems a
of Identity mapping too, except for the 0x00...), isn't it?

It's only shorter than the one I could have if I write several blocks of

If I make this "dumb" modification (adding "true" to conditions) just
for a
rapid test

if (cmapName.contains("Identity") //
|| ordering.contains("Identity") //
|| COSName.IDENTITY_H.equals(encoding) //
|| COSName.IDENTITY_V.equals(encoding) || true)
COSDictionary encodingDict = dict.getCOSDictionary(COSName.ENCODING);
if (true || encodingDict == null || !encodingDict.containsKey(COSName.
// assume that if encoding is identity, then the reverse is also true
cmap = CMapManager.getPredefinedCMap(COSName.IDENTITY_H.getName());
LOG.warn("Using predefined identity CMap instead");

I've got "BCD" string like all the others

The encoding parameter is ignored when writing to the console.
mar 14, 2024 7:30:27 PM org.apache.pdfbox.pdmodel.font.PDFont
ADVERTÊNCIA: Invalid ToUnicode CMap in font AvenirNextLTPro-Cn
mar 14, 2024 7:31:00 PM org.apache.pdfbox.pdmodel.font.PDFont
ADVERTÊNCIA: Using predefined identity CMap instead
Página 4 de 4
Informações:  BCD

Maybe the extract text tool should been using begincidrange/endcidrange

What do you think about?

PS.: I've read some pieces from ISO 32000-2:2020 but it is quite long.
Maybe I'm missing something... I'm sorry if this is the case...

Em qui., 14 de mar. de 2024 às 10:30, Luiz Marcelo Modesto <> escreveu:


I'll read PDFBOX-5540 and related issues.

Thank you very much!

Em qui, 14 de mar de 2024 10:08, Tilman Hausherr <


The problem is in the ToUnicode stream, there's a log message "Invalid
ToUnicode CMap in font AvenirNextLTPro-Cn". It has no unicode mappings.
PDFBox is trying a fallback solution which turns out to be wrong. This
is related to PDFBOX-5540 and earlier related issues.


On 14.03.2024 13:28, Luiz Marcelo Modesto wrote:
Hi Tilman!

       Thank you very much for your attention!

       You can find the file "p4_alt.pdf" in this folder
"Extra infos.pdf" file shows some output from PDF Debugger and others.

       I'm sorry, I sent the pdf file as an attachment in my first
but I didn't know that it wouldn't work.

Em qui., 14 de mar. de 2024 às 07:16, Tilman Hausherr <>


please upload your file to a sharehoster.


On 13.03.2024 20:03, Luiz Marcelo Modesto wrote:
Hi everyone,

       I'm not sure if this is the same as FAQ "How come I am getting
gibberish(G38G43G36G51G5) when extracting text?"...

       I'm using PDFBox version 3.0.1 and OpenJDK Runtime Environment
(build 11.0.22+7-post-Ubuntu-0ubuntu222.04.1).

       I'm trying to understand how this PDF chunk (from p4_fix.pdf
     /G1F7 6.0 Tf
     94.871 773.806 Td
     <004200430044> Tj

       becomes "BCD" on PDFBox Debugger (the same on qpdfview, Adobe
Reader, Chrome, ...) and becomes "abc" on PDFBox text extraction
       Using the Poppler pdftotext (version 22.02.0) gives me "BCD"
       The renders that allow me to copy the text give me "BCD" text.

       It seems that PDFBox extraction tool follows the item "9.10.2
Mapping character codes to Unicode values" (ISO 32000-2:2020) but
the others choose a different way.

        Could you help me to understand if there is a problem with
PDF file, with the renders or with the extract text tool?

Thank you!

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