
I don't see anything that you are doing wrong in this case.  I will
see if I can reproduce your result.


On Tue, Feb 20, 2018 at 9:57 AM, Marcel Meulemans
<> wrote:
> I am experiencing a problem while using the dispatch router as a proxy to
> the artemis broker. I have done some investigation and it looks like the
> dispatch router is not always forwarding link credit to the broker.
> I have the following setup:
> proton clients 0.9.0 (old, i know :p) <---> qdrouterd 1.0.0 <----> artemis
> 2.4.0
> The clients are doing some anycast messaging between themselves and artemis
> is providing some queues through which these messages are flowing. Qpid
> dispatch is sitting in between and doing link routing (see the
> qdrouterd.conf below). At around 100 clients (all connecting at the same
> time) things start to go wrong, as in some message do not reach their
> destinations (about 10% of the clients are effected). The messages actually
> "hang" in artemis because artemis cannot deliver the messages because the
> link the message should be delivered on has no credit. After some
> investigation is looks like qdrouterd is not always forwarding the credit
> given by the clients to the link-routing link it set up with artemis. I have
> attached two trace logs from qdrouterd (formatted a bit so you can put the
> side to side) illustrating the problem. The flow.log is the filtered trace
> output showing a successful session, the no-flow.log is a failing session.
> You can see in the failing session that the flow frames for two newly
> attached links are not "forwarded" over the link-route link as I expect they
> should (and which is the case in the successful session).
> Am I doing something wrong or is this a bug?
> Cheers,
> Marcel
> // qdrouterd.conf
> router {
>     mode: standalone
>     id: arcbus.proxy
> }
> listener {
>     host:
>     port: 5672
>     authenticatePeer: no
>     saslMechanisms: ANONYMOUS
> }
> connector {
>     name: broker-service
>     host:
>     port: 5670
>     role: route-container
>     saslMechanisms: ANONYMOUS
> }
> linkRoute {
>     name: anycast-to-broker
>     prefix: anycast.
>     dir: out
>     connection: broker-service
> }
> linkRoute {
>     name: anycast-from-broker
>     prefix: anycast.
>     dir: in
>     connection: broker-service
> }
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