Hi everyone,

I'm using a STPM33 on some of my boards with STM32F302 or STM32F303. With RIOT OS and my driver, I'm facing issues with SPI : - Either I do spi_acquire() in the init process of the driver (bad practice) and everything works great. But after a while and only on some boards, I get constant values out of my STPM33. When I perform a soft (pm_reboot) or hard reset of the board, the values we get are correct again. - If I do spi_acquire()/spi_release() before and after each transaction, I get only constant values or 3-4 different values but always the sames. I think the STPM33 doesn't even get initialized. - On EVALSTPM33 (the evaluation board from ST), if I do spi_acquire()/spi_release() before and after each transaction, everything works great. My driver is ok.

Before switching to RIOT OS, I was using a driver written by a student of my University based on ST HAL library. Everything was working very well. No issue with STPM33 with this driver.

Here are the drivers to compare:

- Old driver `spi.c` file : https://gist.github.com/Carton32/2ba95a6b064afe8e03e01fa58cda6682 Functions of interest are : "spi_stpm33_init()", "spi_stpm33_writebytes()" and "spi_stpm33_readbytes()"

- New RIOT OS driver : https://github.com/Carton32/stpm3x
Functions of interest are in stpm3x/stpm3x.c : "stpm3x_init()", "stpm3x_read_reg()", "stpm3x_write_reg()". *Warning* : this is the version of the driver with spi_acquire()/spi_release() on each SPI transaction. The version I'm using does a single spi_acquire() on line 80 and no spi_release() at all. This is the only way I've found to make my driver works on my custom designed boards.

Does someone has any clue why my driver is failing when doing spi_acquire()/spi_release() on each transaction with my board design ? The only explanation I've found until now is that the hardware design may be wrong because on the EVALSTPM33 everything works with the Github version of the driver without changes. If the hardware is not the issue, does someone know what could I change to make it works like it should ? The initialization of old driver in "spi_stpm33_init()" makes me think it could come also from here.

Thank you for your help

Best regards


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