Hello Clement,

Am 25.06.2020 um 17:01 schrieb Clement Cormier:
> Hello,
> I am using the example "gnrc_networking" on the IoT-LAB platform with
> M3 nodes (latest version of RIOT).
> I have a problem with link-local addresses. I figured out that some of
> my nodes have the same link-local address.
> For example :
> m3-369;          inet6 addr: fe80::14bb:f965:106b:1114  scope: link  VAL
> m3-361;          inet6 addr: fe80::14bb:f965:106b:1114  scope: link  VAL
> When I request a node about his parent using "rpl show", it only
> returns the link-local address of his parent so I can't associate this
> address with one particular node.
> I tried to find the way these addresses are constructed but without
> success. I thought it was based on the MAC address.
The link-local addresses on the IoT-LAB M3 are generated from the EUI-64
which in turn is generated from a LUID (Local Unique ID) [1] which again
is based on the MCU's CPU-ID [2, 3]. For an automated approach you could
e.g. change the implementation how the CPU-ID is converted to the LUID
(you don't even need to change the `luid` module code, you can overload
`luid_base()` in your application).

Alternatively, you could of course set the link-local addresses in
question manually, note however that for that also the EUI-64 (long
HWaddr) needs to be changed, as otherwise address resolution as per RFC
6775 [4] will not work anymore.

Hope that helps and Best Regards,


[4] https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc6775#section-5.6

> Have you an idea of how I can fix this problem ?
> Any help would be really appreciated.
> Thanks,
> Clément Cormier
> University of Caen, France
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