On Sun, 12 Jul 2020 00:53:46 +0200
Alexander Chudov <chu...@gmail.com> wrote:

> But any of the examples with console  (gcoap,
> gnrc_networking, hello-world) don't work - COM port is available and
> openable, but nothing is printed out.

Are there multiple COM ports and do you get a new one if you plug in
the dongle?
Since you are using hterm, did you set it to send LF (line feed) on
enter? The RIOT shell will only process your input once it's received a
new line character.

On Linux, it should give you a /dev/ttyACM0 device and you should be
able to open a terminal with

    make BOARD=nrf52840dongle term

You should also see a new device appear in dmesg.


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