Am 2014-11-25 um 16:35 schrieb
> Hello,
> I want to authenticate with SOGO by an external LDAP server.
> The problem I face is that the login of a user is not the cn field but the
> uid.
> For example, a user named John SMITH should identify with login johnsmit
> (first 4 letters of first name followed by first 4 letters of last name).
> My LDAP entries look like this:
> dn: cn=John Smith,o=MyCompany,ou=People,dc=office,dc=mycompany,dc=be
> objectClass: top
> objectClass: posixAccount
> objectClass: shadowAccount
> objectClass: inetOrgPerson
> objectClass: person
> cn: John Smith
> departmentNumber: Techniciens
> description:: test
> displayName: John SMITH
> gecos: John SMITH
> gidNumber: 5150
> givenName: John
> homeDirectory: /home/johnsmit
> loginShell: /bin/bash
> mail:
> mail:
> mobile: 0
> o: MyCompany
> sn: SMITH
> telephoneNumber: 0
> title: Assistant
> uid: johnsmit
> uidNumber: 5150
> userPassword: {crypt}blablabla
> The only way I have found so far is to replace all cn fields with the uid. In
> the latter case, my dn would become:
> dn: cn=johnsmit,o=MyCompany,ou=People,dc=office,dc=mycompany,dc=be
> Is there any solution ther than modifying all my LDAP dn entries ?

Sure there is.
You have to change the settings in your SOGoUserSources.
In there set
bindFields = ( uid );
bindFields = (uid, cn, mail);

With the latter users can identify with uid or cn or email address.

Kind regards,
Christian Mack

Christian Mack
Universität Konstanz
Kommunikations-, Informations-, Medienzentrum (KIM)
Abteilung Basisdienste
78457 Konstanz
+49 7531 88-4416

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