Exact same problem here, SOGo used to work just fine and now it doesn't.
Tried everything I could think of, including altering db host user pwd
and even recompiling since I´d seen some OS updates.

also see mysql://localhost/sogo/sogo_sessions_folder in the sogo log,
while this is defined and used to work as

This is driving me nuts :( Something is clearly broken, if only the log
would provide some more clou...


Jeroen Beerstra

Op 08-04-15 om 15:35 schreef schif...@polytech.unice.fr:
> I tried this and it changed nothing.
> I read more carefully my logd and I saw this before the error previously
> quoted :
> Apr 08 17:12:52 sogod [992]: SOGoRootPage successful login from
> '' for user 'USER' - expire = -1  grace = -1
> 2015-04-08 15:12:52.871 sogod[992] ERROR((null)): could not allocate
> MySQL4 connection!
> Apr 08 15:12:52 sogod [992]: [ERROR] <0x0x7f4529584700[GCSChannelManager]>
> could not open channel <MySQL4Channel[0x0x7f45298f63e0]
> connection=0x(null)> for mysql://localhost/sogo/sogo_sessions_folder
> Apr 08 15:12:52 sogod [992]: [WARN] <0x0x7f4529584700[GCSChannelManager]> 
>  will prevent opening of this channel 5 seconds after 2015-04-08 17:12:52
> +0200
> I have my "OCSSessionsFolderURL" well defined with username, password, and
> DB port, but it looks like this is not well setted in the running SOGo. Is
> there a way to get the config of the running SOGo ? And how can I correct
> this problem ?
> Best regards
>> Hi,
>> imho when you set IMAPLoginFieldName (see documentation for more
>> explanation)  to your field which only returns the Given Name it would
>> work.
>> best regards
>> Am Mittwoch, den 08.04.2015, 08:35 +0200 schrieb Schifano Alexandre:
>>> Hi,
>>> I'm facing to a very weird problem about SOGo and MySQL.
>>> I had a SOGo server working correctly with no problem, but I had to
>>> reboot the server. After that I restarted Sogod, MariaDB, memcache,
>>> Apache, and the other services, but now sogo is unable to use
>>> MySQL/MariaDB. I have this kind of error in my logs messages :
>>> 2015-04-08 8:18:58.708 sogod[8174]  ERROR((null)): could not allocate
>>> MySQL4 connection!
>>> Apr 08 8:18:58 sogod [8174]: [ERROR]
>>> <0x0x7f3a2c9564f0[GCSChannelManager]> could not open channel
>>> <MySQL4Channel[0x0x7f3a2ce4e490] connection=0x(null)> for
>>> mysql://localhost/sogo/sogo_custom_users
>>> Apr 08 8:18:58 sogod [8174]: [WARN]
>>> <0x0x7f3a2c9564f0[GCSChannelManager]>   will prevent opening of this
>>> channel 5 seconds after 2015-04-08 8:18:58 +0200
>>> Apr 08 8:18:58 sogod [8174]: [ERROR] <0x0x7f3a2c8fb050[SQLSource]>
>>> failed to acquire channel for URL:
>>> mysql://sogo:PASSWORD@localhost:3306/sogo/sogo_custom_users
>>> However :
>>> * it worked well before the reboot,
>>> * I am able to be connected to my db with "mysql -h localhost -u sogo
>>> -p",
>>> * when I do "telnet localhost 3306" I have a opened connection to
>>> MariaDB (the connection is accepted and there is a kind of welcome
>>> message)
>>> * the port used by MariaDB is still the same,
>>> * and I even configured iptable for having the 3306 port open to
>>> everybody.
>>> What did I forget ?
>>> Best regards
>> --
>> users@sogo.nu
>> https://inverse.ca/sogo/lists

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