This doesn't provide us enough information to reproduce your problem. 

(And 'large tree' is not well defined. For some users that could be thousand
files, while for others that would be hundreds of thousands of files)


To reproduce and fix your problem we need more information:


In this case interesting information might include:


Do you have externals in this working copy?

Do you use a normal Subversion server? 

Or something that just simulates Subversion. E.g. GitHub, Codeplex,


Are there incomplete nodes in your working copy (See: svn status)


But really we could use as much information as possible to reproduce your




From: Tony Hailes [] 
Sent: vrijdag 17 april 2015 16:48
Subject: Subversion Exception diff_editor.c 1626


Whilst doing "diff with url" on a large tree with some files branched from
the trunk:


Subversion Exception!


Subversion encountered a serious problem.

Please take the time to report this on the Subversion mailing list

with as much information as possible about what

you were trying to do.

But please first search the mailing list archives for the error message

to avoid reporting the same problem repeatedly.

You can find the mailing list archives at


Subversion reported the following

(you can copy the content of this dialog

to the clipboard using Ctrl-C):


In file


line 1626: internal malfunction




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