On 10/27/2016 16:36, Dan Atkinson wrote:
> Hi there,
> Firstly, I am not subscribed to this mailing list so would appreciate
> being explicitly CC'd in any responses. :-)
> When I attempted to update my repository, I received the following update:
> Error: The working copy database at 'D:\Work\SVN\trunk' is corrupt.  
> Error: Try a 'Cleanup'. If that doesn't work you need to do a fresh
> checkout.  
> When I attempted a cleanup, I received the following message:
> ---------------------------
> Subversion Exception!
> ---------------------------
> Subversion encountered a serious problem.
> Please take the time to report this on the Subversion mailing list
> with as much information as possible about what
> you were trying to do.
> But please first search the mailing list archives for the error message
> to avoid reporting the same problem repeatedly.
> You can find the mailing list archives at
> http://subversion.apache.org/mailing-lists.html
> Subversion reported the following
> (you can copy the content of this dialog
> to the clipboard using Ctrl-C):
> In file
> 'D:\Development\SVN\Releases\TortoiseSVN-1.9.4\ext\subversion\subversion\libsvn_client\cleanup.c'
>  line 227: assertion failed (svn_dirent_is_absolute(dir_abspath))
> ---------------------------
> OK   
> ---------------------------
> ---------------------------
> TortoiseSVN
> ---------------------------
> Cleanup failed to process the following paths:
> D:\Work\SVN\trunk
> The working copy database at 'D:\Work\SVN\trunk' is corrupt.
> Try a 'Cleanup'. If that doesn't work you need to do a fresh checkout.
> ---------------------------
> OK   
> ---------------------------
> My version information is:
> TortoiseSVN 1.9.4, Build 27285 - 64 Bit , 2016/04/24 13:59:58
> Subversion 1.9.4, -release
> apr 1.5.2
> apr-util 1.5.4
> serf 1.3.8
> OpenSSL 1.0.2g  1 Mar 2016
> zlib 1.2.8
> SQLite 3.12.1
> I am running Windows 10 v1511 (OS Build 10586.601).
> Our SVN server (VisualSVN Server) is running SVN 1.7.6 (r1370777)
> I did try to search the archives for similar problems but received a
> 403 from Google when I attempted it.
> If you require any further information, please let me know directly.
> Kind regards, Dan Atkinson

In case of a WC DB corruption I'd say your best bet is to do a fresh
checkout and copy over locally modified files from the old working copy
to the new one.

You can also try to debug/troubleshoot the database corruption and try
to repair the database (sqlite3 -> pragma integrity_check) but unless
you have a reason to try to save your working copy, there's little point
to do so, IMO.

Although I doubt it's related to the corruption you ran into: Your
VisualSVN Server is quite outdated. I assume you are running Visual SVN
Server 2.5.6. I'd certainly suggest you to upgrade your server to 2.5.26
at least (which will bring SVN up to 1.7.21). The upgrade should be as
simple as clicking through the installer.

If possible, you'd even upgrade to a later one which will bring SVN up
to 1.8 or 1.9 (currently VisualSVN Server 3.5.6 is the recommended version).


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