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André Warnier wrote:
| After making that filter, I thought that it would have been more
| elegant to check if the header requested by getHeader() was one I
| added, return it in that case, and otherwise just call the
| getHeader() method of the underlying HttpRequest object.

I would consider that a cleaner approach. Plus, it uses a bit less
memory, but we're talking bytes, here, not megabytes, so it's not that
big of a deal. It makes the wrapper feel much more like an actual
"wrapper" when you delegate calls to the wrapped instance.

| But considering it was my first filter, and that it worked, I was
| just too lazy and scared to go change it again.

Sounds good to me. If it ain't broke...

I wasn't trying to sound like a know-it-all: I was just trying to point
out places where you could improve your implementation. Your
self-deprecating writing style invites this kind of commentary, don't
you think? ;)

Keep up the good work.

- -chris
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