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André Warnier wrote:
> The OP is talking about UTF-16, not UTF-8.

I understand. I was trying to contrast UTF-8 and UTF-16, apparently

> What you are saying above about ASCII/UTF-8 is true, if one restricts
> oneself to strictly the 7-bit US-ASCII.

ASCII is not US-specific, and everything above 127 has pretty much
always been non-standard. So, yes, I was talking about 7-bit ASCII.

> That'ok for English, but not OK
> for mostly any other language on this planet.

It handles English, German, and Latin languages. It does not handle many
others. Again, I was trying to point out that if you set your server to
UTF-8 and the client is expecting ASCII, then there is no problem (and I
believe this is a common case). Most clients these days use UTF-8 by
default, so you're safe that way, too.

Nobody really uses UTF-16 on clients by default so by setting your URI
encoding to UTF-16 basically means that nobody will ever be able to
successfully contact your server unless they know beforehand that UTF-16
should be used.

> The default charset on the Web is iso-8859-1 (latin-1), not US-ASCII.

The first 127 characters of (US-)ASCII, UTF-8, and ISO-8859-1 are
identical. Again, you're covered.

> Now about the "first request" bit : not on the first request, nor on any
> subsequent request, unless the server finds a way to tell the
> application that it only accepts requests with URI's encoded as UTF-16,
> and the browser not only understands the instruction, but obeys it.

Most clients will use the content encoding of the previous response for
the URI of the next request. At least, that has been my experience.

> So, back to the original question : why set the connector to UTF-16 URI
> encoding ? That will almost guarantee that Tomcat will not properly
> understand any URL requested by a standard browser.

Exactly my point: why use UTF-16 when you can use UTF-8, get all the
benefits of oodles of characters, /and/ conform to the expectations of
nearly every client out on the Internet?

- -chris

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