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Daniel Blumenthal wrote:
> I'm actually getting an error in catalina.out *during compilation* (see log
> extract below).

That's deployment, not compilation.

> I think that what's happening is that somehow the reload
> process is being triggered early, during the build process, before
> everything's ready.

Do you build directly into your deployment directory? That can be
dangerous, because there is a race condition with the server. Try
re-deploying a WAR file using the manager app or simply overwriting your
WAR file while the server is running. Does that work?

Here's your problem:
> SEVERE: Context [/myapp] startup failed du to previous errors

Due to what I believe is premature reloading, your webapp fails to start
up properly. After a failed startup, Tomcat will not automatically
reload the webapp for any reason: you'll need to do it manually, either
by using the manager webapp or by bounding the entire TC instance.

> My guess is that this is being caused by the filter
> getting compiled - perhaps this is caused by the line in context.xml?
> ("<WatchedResource>WEB-INF/web.xml</WatchedResource>")

That just configures Tomcat to "watch" META-INF/web.xml for changes. If
the file is touched, Tomcat will reload. This is the default behavior,
so adding this to your own context.xml file doesn't actually accomplish

Your ClassCastException is probably due to a new version of the Class
being loaded into the container, while an object of the old, outdated
class was stored in session or application scope across the reload.

- -chris
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