
I am trying to understand some anomaly with mod_proxy and mod_proxy_balancer.  
mod_proxy works fine if the (reverse)Proxying is done to the local Tomcat 
Engine rather than going through the balancer.  If it goes through the 
"balancer", then an extra "/" is added on 302 Redirects after the hostname in 
URLs.  Adding "ProxyPreserveHost On" gets the proper 302 Redirects without the 
extra "/".

Short of reading source code, I was hoping someone can explain the:
(1) purpose of "ProxyPreserveHost On"  ->  It is to pass the "Host" header from 
the incoming request onto Tomcat
(2) Does "ProxyPreserveHost" have any implication on the "Location:" Header 
going out in 302 responses?
(3) I thought the "ProxyPassReverse" directive was used for setting (rewriting) 
the "Location:" header in the 302 responses.
(4) How does Tomcat work without "ProxyPreserveHost On" when requests don't go 
through the balancer?



Shanti Suresh

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