Chào các bạn,

Bạn nào đã dùng thử OOo 3.0, hoặc có những ý kiến cảm giác gì xung quanh việc OOo 3.0 sắp ra (cuối tháng 09) và sự hỗ trợ tốt hơn đối với tiếng Việt, có thể góp ý (bằng tiếng Việt/ tiếng Anh), tôi sẽ sưu tầm lại và dịch ra tiếng Anh...

----- Message transféré de [EMAIL PROTECTED] -----
    Date : Wed, 24 Sep 2008 18:00:29 +0700
     De : Nguyen Trung Quynh <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Répondre à : Nguyen Trung Quynh <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
 Objet : FW: OOo 3.0 and Malaysia/Vietnam....even India.
     Cc : Nguyen Thuy Nhi <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Chao cac anh,
Quynh co nhan duoc email cua SUN (co gui cho Louis -Louis la cau manager cua cong dong OOo cua the gioi) gui, ho muon Vietnam co y kien ve OOo 3.0. Cac anh cho y kien ve OOo nay nhe va gui lai de em tong hop. Neu minh co dong gop duoc nhung y kien xac dang thi se the hien duoc va ho se ho tro minh nhieu hon. Cac anh co the cho y kien bang ting Anh luon nhe (Anh Quynh (AUF) lay y kien chung cong dong OOo Vietnam nhe).
Mong nhan duoc cac y kien cua cac anh.
PS. Neu cac anh thay can lay y kien cua nhung ai nua thi co the gui xin them y kien nhe.

-----Original Message-----
From: Jaijit Bhattacharya [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Wed 9/24/2008 10:55 AM
To: Louis Suarez-Potts
Cc: Nguyen Trung Quynh
Subject: Re: OOo 3.0 and Malaysia/Vietnam....even India.


I am copying this mail to Mr Quynh of Govt of Vietnam.

Mr Quynh: It would be really nice if we could have your comments on the
imminent release of 3.0, especially given the fact that
is has better support for Vietnamese.

Thanks and regards

Louis Suarez-Potts wrote:

Can you point me to a good contact in So. East Asia whom I could use as a quotable source for the imminent release of OOo 3.0? It's due out imminently: this week or so.

Ideally, someone in gov't. who can speak to the desirability of the thing--why, etc.


PS I'll also ask Venky and Arun M. of Kerala.

Sun Microsystems <>     Jaijit Bhattacharya, PhD
Director, Government Strategy
India and Asia South
Sun Microsystems India Pvt. Ltd.
The Capital Court, Olof Palme Marg,
5th Floor, R Wing, Munirka
New Delhi - 110 067
Direct:    (91)  11 4219 1089
Board Number: (91) 11 4219 1100
Fax:     (91) 11 2616 0928

----- Fin du message transféré -----


Agence universitaire de la Francophonie - Bureau Asie-Pacifique
Chao cac anh,
Quynh co nhan duoc email cua SUN (co gui cho Louis -Louis la cau manager cua 
cong dong OOo cua the gioi) gui, 
ho muon Vietnam co y kien ve OOo 3.0. Cac anh cho y kien ve OOo nay nhe va gui 
lai de em tong hop. Neu minh co dong gop duoc nhung y kien xac dang thi se the 
hien duoc va ho se ho tro minh nhieu hon.
Cac anh co the cho y kien bang ting Anh luon nhe (Anh Quynh (AUF) lay y kien 
chung cong dong OOo Vietnam nhe).
Mong nhan duoc cac y kien cua cac anh.
PS. Neu cac anh thay can lay y kien cua nhung ai nua thi co the gui xin them y 
kien nhe.

-----Original Message-----
From: Jaijit Bhattacharya [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Wed 9/24/2008 10:55 AM
To: Louis Suarez-Potts
Cc: Nguyen Trung Quynh
Subject: Re: OOo 3.0 and Malaysia/Vietnam....even India.

I am copying this mail to Mr Quynh of Govt of Vietnam.

Mr Quynh: It would be really nice if we could have your comments on the 
imminent release of 3.0, especially given the fact that 
is has better support for Vietnamese.

Thanks and regards

Louis Suarez-Potts wrote:
> Jaijit,
> Can you point me to a good contact in So. East Asia whom I could use 
> as a quotable source for the imminent release of OOo 3.0? It's due out 
> imminently: this week or so.
> Ideally, someone in gov't. who can speak to the desirability of the 
> thing--why, etc.
> Thanks!
> Louis
> PS I'll also ask Venky and Arun M. of Kerala.

Sun Microsystems <>   Jaijit Bhattacharya, PhD
Director, Government Strategy
India and Asia South
Sun Microsystems India Pvt. Ltd.
The Capital Court, Olof Palme Marg,
5th Floor, R Wing, Munirka
New Delhi - 110 067
Direct:    (91)  11 4219 1089
Board Number: (91) 11 4219 1100
Fax:     (91) 11 2616 0928

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