Hello Mathias,

Well, that looks quite alright to me.
Could you post the generated URL? Do you have more mounts to the same page class?


Mathias P.W Nilsson wrote:
I'm using MixedParamUrlCodingStrategy and I must miss something in how this
is set up properly

I have mounted the page in init in my application class
mount(new MixedParamUrlCodingStrategy("brand", BrandInterceptor.class,new

When building up the bookmarkable page link I do this in my Root page

Brand brand = (Brand) item.getModelObject();
PageParameters params = new PageParameters();
params.add( "id",  brand.getId().toString() );
Link brandLink = new BookmarkablePageLink( "brandLink"
,BrandInterceptor.class, params );

But it always ends with this error.
[RequestCycle] Too many path parts, please provide sufficient number of path
parameter names
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Too many path parts, please provide
sufficient number of path parameter names

Any pointers on how to solve this?

Erik van Oosten

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