In my current project I have:
10 Forms that use a CompoundPropertymodel and
5 Forms that have no model.

IMHO both Form forms :) should be easy to work with.


Eelco Hillenius wrote:
thats my point. you work on fields of one object, true, but it does
not necessarily have to be the form's modelobject unless you use a
compound property model. eg

       Form<Void> form = new Form<Void>("form")
           protected void onSubmit() { value = dosomethingwith(symbol); }

       form.add(new TextField<String>("symbol", new
PropertyModel<String>(this, "symbol")));

where [value] and [symbol] are clearly fields on the container that
parents the form. inside onsubmit i can just as easily access the
object directly without it being the model object of the form. now if
we factor out the form into a static inner or a top level class, just
like the link discussion, it becomes valuable to have the model.

Yeah, you're right actually. I realize now that I rarely use Form's
model directly. And I actually do the special stuff in the buttons


Erik van Oosten

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