For Wicket the doctype is not needed, so do what you like. Just remember
to keep it in XML syntax. There is only one ceavat: you should always
write <div wicket:id="..."></div> instead of <div wicket:id="..."/>,
Wicket ignores the XML definition that specifies that these should be
treated as semantically equivalent.


> Hello,
> As a Wicket beginner, I was wondering if there are any contra-indication 
> to generate some HTML 4.01 Strict instead of any XHTML 1.0 version 
> (transitionnal or strict) ? 
> I tried to simply add an HTML 4.01 strict doctype to my html files, and it 
> seems to work fine (thought in development mode I have in the source the 
> xmlns:wicket in the body tag and all of the Wicket XHTML tags - going to 
> deployement mode an they disappear)
> Is there anything I must take care of ? Wicket use a namespace server-side 
> so... ?
> Best regards,
> P. Goiffon

Erik van Oosten

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