Hi everyone,

we are currently working on an opensocial application based on wicket. Currently it is not possible to use the ajax functionality of wicket in an opensocial app.

opensocial is based on iframes which run your html / js in a seperate domain. If you build a widget for myspace.com for example, your html will run in msappspace.com which will prevent ajax call due to cross domain browser security. Luckily there is a opensocial method "gadgets.io.makeRequest" to pull xml content from your backend which is proxied through the opensocial container and basically works like an ajax request.

so i created a bridge which replaces the XHR of wicket-ajax.js with an implementation based on makeRequest. Without further ado:

<script type="text/javascript">

Wicket.Ajax.createTransport = function() {
   return {

       open: function(method, url, async) {
           this.url = url;

       setRequestHeader: function(key, value) {

send: function(body) {
           var req_params = new Object();
req_params[gadgets.io.RequestParameters.CONTENT_TYPE] = gadgets.io.ContentType.TEXT; var req = gadgets.io.makeRequest("http://your.server.com"; + this.url + "&" + body, this.callback.bind(this), req_params);
callback: function(data) {
           this.responseText = data.text;
           this.status = 200;
           this.readyState = 4;
getResponseHeader: function(key) {
           return null;
abort: function() { } };


By including this script below your wicket-ajax script in the opensocial app you can use finally use ajax functionality directly on the canvas. It should work completely transparent so no changes in your wicket code should be required. Developing / porting wicket code to opensocial apps should be a lot easier now :)

Note that this example does not support error handling, headers, aborting and GET request also do not work completely. Adding this functionality should be easy however. Feel free to use / modify / publish the code as you like.

Best Regards,

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