
IIUC, transaction-per-request will commit AFTER the response has been
rendered, right ?
That means that there's also risk for inconsistency: when the commit
fails, user will think everything is fine, but changes are rolled
Or am I missing something ?


On Thu, Mar 26, 2009 at 7:30 PM, Igor Vaynberg <igor.vaynb...@gmail.com> wrote:
> there are three patterns to transaction management
> the default pattern is session-per-transaction. this is not convenient
> because after your business logic closes the transaction you can no
> longer use the session in the ui.
> there are two ways to solve this: either use session-per-request -
> which means on first transaction you open a session, and keep it open
> for the duration of the requests. transactions share the session and
> even after the transactions are done you still have a session. this is
> better because after your business logic is done you have the session
> you can use for ui with all the stuff from business logic already
> loaded. this is what the spring osiv filter does.
> the other way is a single transaction-per-request. this means on first
> access you create a session and a transaction. all other operations
> inside a request run within that one transaction.
> the difference between session-per-request and transaction-per-request
> is data integrity from the user's perspective. if the user sees an
> error page have his changes been saved to the database to some degree?
> with transaction-per-request you are guaranteed that if user sees an
> error screen none of their changes have been preserved - because
> whatever displayed the error screen also rolled back the transaction.
> with session-per-request there is no such guarantee. eg the business
> logic runs fine and saves the data but an error in the ui causes an
> error page. user sees an error - but the data is already saved - a
> little inconsistent.
> personally i prefer transaction-per-request but afaik there is nothing
> baked into spring that will do that so you will have to roll your own.
> -igor
> On Thu, Mar 26, 2009 at 5:31 AM, Kaspar Fischer <fisch...@inf.ethz.ch> wrote:
>> I am learning about the OSIV pattern and have so far read the introduction
>> at hibernate.org [1], the Spring JavaDoc for OpenSessionInViewFilter [2],
>> the excellent MysticCoders tutorial [3] that uses Spring's
>> OpenSessionInViewFilter, and some more.
>> I have basic questions:
>> 1. Is it correct that there are two variants of the pattern?
>> In one variant there is a single transaction (and a single session) that
>> gets committed at the end of the request, as described in [1]. If I am not
>> mistaken, James's wicket-advanced application [5] also uses this variant.
>> In the second variant, there is an intermediate commit. We therefore have
>> two transactions (and one or two Hibernate sessions). Examples for this are
>> WicketRAD and the London-Wicket PDF [4].
>> 2. The first variant has the disadvantage that the code handling the request
>> cannot handle errors itself as the commit takes place at the end of the
>> request, in a filter. Correct?
>> As a concrete example, this means that if my code inserts an item that
>> already exists and does not explicitly check for duplicates, the request
>> will result in a rollback and the default error page. Where I would have
>> preferred to see a feedback message "This item already exists". (It seems to
>> me, however, that it is not a good practice to move error checking concerns
>> to the database integrity layer, so the code *should* check for
>> duplicates...)
>> 4. Which variant(s) doe Spring's OpenSessionInViewFilter support and how
>> does it work?
>> I do not fully understand the documentation of the class but have the
>> feeling it implements the second, and you can specify whether you want a
>> single or two Hibernate sessions. I read [3]:
>> "NOTE: This filter will by default not flush the Hibernate Session, with the
>> flush mode set to FlushMode.NEVER. It assumes to be used in combination with
>> service layer transactions that care for the flushing: The active
>> transaction manager will temporarily change the flush mode to FlushMode.AUTO
>> during a read-write transaction, with the flush mode reset toFlushMode.NEVER
>> at the end of each transaction. If you intend to use this filter without
>> transactions, consider changing the default flush mode (through the
>> "flushMode" property)."
>> Here is my understanding of this, assuming I have configured a Spring
>> transaction manager and use transaction annotations:
>> When a request starts, a Hibernate session is opened. When the first method
>> with a @Transactional annotation is encountered, a transaction is started,
>> and Hibernate's session is associated with this transaction. When the method
>> exits, the transaction is committed but the session is left open (the OSIV
>> behaviour). At the end of the request, the session is closed. Is this
>> correct?
>> Thanks for a reply and sorry for the lengthy post,
>> Kaspar
>> --
>> [1] http://www.hibernate.org/43.html
>> [2]
>> http://static.springframework.org/spring/docs/2.5.x/api/org/springframework/orm/hibernate3/support/OpenSessionInViewFilter.html
>> [3]
>> http://www.mysticcoders.com/blog/2009/03/13/5-days-of-wicket-putting-it-all-together/
>> [4]
>> http://code.google.com/p/londonwicket/downloads/detail?name=LondonWicket-OpenSessionInView.pdf&can=2&q=
>> [5] http://markmail.org/message/ittmrmwsn5l6usx7
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