In Wicket it usually helps to look at the classes that are near in the class hierarchy. In this case RestartResponseException extends from AbstractRestartResponseException. Another subclass of AbstractRestartResponseException is RedirectToUrlException, which does exactly what you ask.


Chris Colman wrote:
Could I use RestartResponseException to redirect to a URL instead of a 
bookmarkable page?

My problem is that all of my pages require a parameter (even the home page but that's 
fine because the Tomcat container server.xml configures the appropriate redirection for 
me - users never have to enter the parameters in the address bar) but the "Expired 
Page" page contains a link that does not contain any parameters.

When a session expires the page that appears attempts to go to the 'home' page without 
any parameters. If I could either change the expired page's link or do a redirect in the 
home page's constructor that redirect's to "/" then this would work fine.

Unfortunately the RestartResponseException seems to only want to redirect to bookmarkable 
pages. Is there an alternative I could use to redirect to the "/" URL?

Send from my SMTP compliant software
Erik van Oosten

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