     I run out into the same problem. Did you solve it? if so, how?

thanks in advance

On Thu, Feb 11, 2010 at 11:50 PM, Daniele Dellafiore <ilde...@gmail.com>wrote:

> Hi.
> Imagine this scenario: a webapp that allows creation of groups of people.
> There is the owner, the administrator and the normal user for every group.
> Like google groups, yahoo groups, facebook groups, a chat... a lot of
> examples :)
> If we define permission as string concatenation, I can have "group:delete"
> as permission.
> In this scenario the permission is not application wide, but "group
> specific". Is related to the entity of my domain: Group.
> Unfortunately I have no idea how to solve my problem in AuthStrategy, where
> I can just access the user, not his particular Role in the specific group
> of
> my webapp, I do not have enough information. I can't know in
> isActionAuthorized method what is the group to ask authorization access for
> "group.delete" permission.
> If I know which is the group (domain entity) I can ask the user for the
> role
> he has in the group, and see if it's role has "group.delete" permission.
> Or any similar implementation, the point is that I miss an information.
> What can be a nice way to solve this problem with Wicket
> AuthorizationStrategy?
> I have just read a recent article about how to integrate shiro and wicket:
> http://blog.tauren.com/2010/01/using-wicket-with-shiro-for.html
> My point with that solution is that as far as I know, overriding
> isVisible()
> is a discouraged practice. More over, the visibility control for
> authorisation access has better room in the AuthorizationStrategy and if I
> remember fine, what change is the isVisibilityAllowed().
> I can just figure out to to put that information (the role of the subject
> in
> the group) in the Action, but I have to learn how. Do you think should be a
> nice idea? Or maybe I am making my life harder for nothing and setting
> visibilityAllowed (or even override that method) would be fine enough?
> I think I can save a lot of "ifs" or a lot of override if I Can figure out
> a
> way to implement it the way I described.
> I will sleep on this :)
> --
> Daniele Dellafiore
> http://danieledellafiore.net

Fernando Wermus.


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