I have a strange problem with an I18N key which is stored in an xml resource 
bundle. I try to set the following keys for a german translation:

- PagingNavigator.first
- PagingNavigator.previous
- PagingNavigator.next
- PagingNavigator.last
- PagingNavigator.page

I noticed that wicket already provides the translation for those keys in 
several languages in it's Application.properties bundle. Unfortunately, in 
Apllication_de.properties those keys are missing. Anyway, I put them in 
MyComponent_de.xml and everything works fine, only the last key 
(PagingNavigator.page) causes the problem of not beeing translated. Instead, 
the english (default) translation is used.

Here is the content of MyComponent_de.xml:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE properties SYSTEM "http://java.sun.com/dtd/properties.dtd";>
 <entry key="PagingNavigator.first">erste Seite</entry>
 <entry key="PagingNavigator.previous">vorherige Seite</entry>
 <entry key="PagingNavigator.next">nächste Seite</entry>
 <entry key="PagingNavigator.last">letzte Seite</entry>
 <entry key="PagingNavigator.page">Seite ${page}></entry>

Is there something wrong with the syntax when using parameterized keys in xml?


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