Hi Brown, I think it is unfair say that Wicket present an unexpected
behavior with the markup, because every functionality are well documented. I
saw some situations where some one complain that the "id" tag attribute
value was changed. But the Component documentation is clear saying that this
attribute is generated.
If you have some case where you did read some component documentation and
the generated markup was unexpected, you can report the problem, with sure
some one will to improve the component documentation or solve the problem.

On Tue, Jul 20, 2010 at 2:38 PM, Brown, Berlin [GCG-PFS] <
berlin.br...@primerica.com> wrote:

> There is a css hell, html hell, java web app hell.
> Is there a wicket hell or issues that are specific to wicket?  Because I
> do believe web application development is wicket is pretty unique.  I am
> still new to wicket but there are two gripes that get me every time.
> And maybe over time, I will get used to the problem.
> 1. Hierarchy issues - The hierarchy is very strict and not like the Java
> hierarchy.  If you want to reference a component, it must be added
> properly in the markup and in the java code.  This can be caught at
> compile time, but it is still takes time getting used to.
> 2. Unexpected behavior with the markup - Sometimes I expect a particular
> attribute or piece of code to get output but some tags I add in the
> markup get replaced by wicket.  (E.g. I added class="XXXX" to a div and
> the class attribute was removed)
> Note: I am not saying wicket is hell, or css or html is.  But I was just
> pointing out that even wicket can have some quirks.  Am I wrong here?
> Berlin Brown

Pedro Henrique Oliveira dos Santos

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