
Please open a Jira issue so that the Wicket core team can track this issue.


Op 15-09-10 11:24, Bjorn S schreef:
Wicket version: 1.4.9 (rolled back due to AJAX problems in later release)

I've detected some odd behaviour with CryptedUrlWebRequestCodingStrategy,
specifically CryptedUrlWebRequestCodingStrategy.DecodedUrlRequest;

When using a QueryStringStrategy for mounting a page and passing certain
specific strings I was getting them back with characters missing. It appears
that CryptedUrlWebRequestCodingStrategy performs double-decoding.

We have a search system which uses + as a means of denoting requirements,
this is what happened;
When entering a search string like "car +red" it was correctly encoded to
"car+%2Bred" and passed along.

When decoding I saw that this became "car +red" and then was decoded again
to "car  red" [note double space].

I fixed this by extending CryptedUrlWebRequestCodingStrategy, overloading
the decode method and implementing my own copy of DecodedUrlRequest where I
removed the following line from the constructor;
decodedParamReplacement =

This seems to have fixed our problem though I won't guarantee that it hasn't
introduced new ones.

Hope this can get a better resolution.

Bjørn Soldal

Sent from my SMTP compliant software
Erik van Oosten

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